Explore The IT Career Opportunities In Lansing
Lansing is the capital city of Michigan and lies in the Ingham County, with small portions stretching into Eaton County and Clinton County. Lansing is the fifth largest city in Michigan.View more
IT jobs in Michigan . Lansing IT Job Industry Overview
Often referred to as Mid-Michigan, the Lansing Metropolitan Area is the principal center for educational, governmental, and industrial functions. The area boasts of two medical schools, two nursing schools, two law schools, and a veterinary school. The population of the city is 114,297, with a median age of 32.3. The population is fairly spread out, with 32.7% of the people belonging to the age group 18-24. Lansing has a diversified economy and balanced among government services, healthcare, manufacturing, insurance, banking, and education. IBM, Dewpoint Inc., Adna Technologies, and Informatix are some of the leading employers in the city.
IT Job Payscale in Lansing
Michigan ranks 12th in tech employment in the country. A network of colleges and universities in West Michigan is the major stimulant for the growing tech pipeline in the state. The median household income in the city of Lansing is $34,833 per year. With the IT industry growing at 15.8%, future growth looks very promising. See more
IT jobs in US .