Explore The IT Career Opportunities In Norfolk
Norfolk is located in the state of Virginia in the U.S. It is located in the central part of the Hampton Road Metropolitan region. The city is known for its historical significance. The recent population estimate of the city is 244,076.Search
latest Virginia IT jobs . Norfolk IT Job Industry Overview
Norfolk city is bordered by Elizabeth river, Virginia Beach and the Chesapeake Bay. The city is regarded as a business district The Hampton Road Metropolitan Statistical Area is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the U.S. The racial composition of the city is diverse, and it includes the majority of White and African American. Nearly 30% of the population of Norfolk are under the age group of 25-44 years. The nearby IT operations in the city are Distribution Processing System, Yellow Dog Software, Aducent Technologies, IssueTrack Inc and Alpha Geek.
IT Job Payscale in Norfolk
The state of Virginia is known for its venture capital and tech startups. The state ranks 6th in tech employment ranking. The tech job growth is about to increase by 8.8 percent in the state. The annual growth rate of the median income of Norfolk is 4.13%. Search for exciting
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